Ex texts

exhibition texts and commissioned work

Miguel Abreu Gallery

Jimmy Raskin:
“Cliché Garden”

Catalog Zine Essay

Yve Yang Gallery

Pauline Rintsch
“Pinch Me Hard and Soft”

Jun.28th-Aug.17th, 2024

Pauline Rintsch paints reflections and navels. She looks at herself in the mirror, at her friend in the rearview, at her own belly button and those mystic beginnings finding her in dreams. She also bends her figures in acrobatic contortions, elongates their gazes in longing uncertainty, and confronts them in abrasive environments. The settings are usually vague but particular—like wombs. Fluid and hollow.


Popgun Gallery

Lucas Bourgine:
“Grey Gardens”


The conspicuous dispositions openly mask the bodies of unknown death left forgotten in the flutes. The curves of the gold veneer embrace and evaporate, creating their own assembly and formation, in closed eyelids and open stares–staging neglect and witness.

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Satchel Project

Group Exhibition:
“Mirror Milk”


....While they dodge, flee, extend, embrace and repulse, drip and dry, the works in this show present a sensorium, of impulse, best intentions, wishful thinking, accidents, appearances, transgressions, intrusion and withdrawal, lingergings and longings.

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